Friday, April 24, 2020

FIRESCAPE MENDOCINO UPDATE - Stonyford Regional Meeting March 5, 2020

Stonyford Regional Meeting March 5, 2020

FireScape Mendocino (FSM) hosted a regional meeting in Stonyford on March 5, 2020.  The meeting was focused on local issues and the primary goal was to seek input on what folks want to accomplish with forest restoration after the Ranch Fire.

Approximately 40 people attended including Gary Evans, Christine Hill, Lauren Johnson, and Bob Schneider that are FSM core-team members.  A number of Forest Service scientists and specialists attended as well.

The morning session included presentations made by staff from the Forest Service, Resource Conservation Districts, Central Valley Water Board, and other stakeholders. 

The afternoon breakout sessions focused on FSM’s communication and messaging.  Some attendees stated they want a “Central Clearing House” where landowner questions could be addressed. Other possible platforms include social media, phone trees, messages from the Forest Supervisor, and a website. 

Content on a FSM website might include agency, non-profits and other important contact information; maps of projects both past and ongoing; flow charts that show what approvals are needed for landowner projects; success stories and photos and other helpful information.

The meeting highlighted the need enhanced collaboration between stakeholders to share information and find ways to bring east and west side communities together in support of healthy forests and landscapes in the FSM project area.

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