Friday, March 7, 2014

What is the Mendocino Firescape

FireScape is an abbreviation, which stands for Fire Integration in
Restoration Ecology using Science and a Collaborative Approach
with a Partnership Emphasis.

FireScape evolved from an idea in Arizona about 10 years ago to change
the way we look at land management, incorporating applying the best available
science and adaptive management principles on a landscape scale with the
involvement of partners and sharing resources while reducing the volume of
paperwork required to be stewards of the land.

There is more to FireScape than fire. It’s about all the resources – including people.
It is a collaborative approach to land management, reaching beyond human
established boundaries (i.e., property lines) to restore landscapes across natural

FireScape has been successfully applied on ranger districts in both Arizona
and California and has inspired similar efforts in other parts of the country.

FireScape Mendocino expands the vision to a forest scale – starting with
nearly 1 million acres of National Forest system lands, and expanding the analysis
across land owned by federal, state and local agencies, as
well as private landowners.

While the Mendocino National Forest is a key part of FireScape, this is actually
a seamless partnership – everyone comes to the table at the same level. Similar to how
every party needs a place and people to invite, the Mendocino National Forest is
opening the door and inviting partners and interested public to come to the table and
actively engage and participate in growing a strategy to manage the landscape.

The Mendocino National Forest has partnered with The Nature Conservancy’s
Fire Learning Network to start this collaborative effort. Even though FireScape
Mendocino is still in its infancy, but will be growing quickly in the coming months
with more opportunities to get involved!

We are looking forward to working together to develop resilient, fireadapted
forests and related communities across the landscape!  Get involved now.

Contact, Don Amador,  Core Team Co-Lead at:
for more information about upcoming meetings and workshops.